to report water leaks or other water system EMERGENCIES:

CALL THE DISTRICT OFFICE at 707-677-0798, or send an email to:

the district office ( ), or

the district manager ( )

NEW TREATMENT PLANT (click to jump to page)

TREATMENT PLANT MND (August 15, 2024)

District Mission

It is the mission of the Westhaven Community Services District to help support the continuing good health and well-being of the District residents by providing a reliable and secure source of drinking water meeting all state and federal standards.

District Goals

  • District water sources, including the infrastructure associated with collection of water, are responsibly monitored and maintained in compliance with all state and federal regulations in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner.

  • District water treatment and distribution infrastructure components are maintained and operated to produce the highest quality water possible while meeting or exceeding all state and federal water quality regulations.

  • District policy is to add additional users to our water system as supply and regulatory approval allows, following Ordinance 2013-1, Establishing Priorities for Providing Water Service Allotments.

  • The District is a public agency and its directors are elected by the public to act on the public’s behalf. We exist for you. The District is committed to both electoral and participatory democracy. The District is committed to be transparent to the public and our customers regarding the District’s finances, its budgeting, the quality of the water it supplies, its operations, and the plans it has to maintain and upgrade WCSD facilities. Transparency is important because an informed public is better able to monitor the District’s performance, to hold the staff and directors accountable, and to provide relevant critique and insight to the District. The District will work better for everyone if members of the community ask questions, express concerns and make suggestions to the District’s staff and directors. We welcome your input.

  • District financial policies and procedures are formulated and maintained to comply with all state and federal regulations and to provide long-range financial stability and security while striving to ensure that ratepayers experience the lowest monthly rates feasible.

  • District customer service policies and procedures emphasize accessibility, transparency, and prompt resolution of customer inquiries and complaints.

  • District employment policies and procedures are formulated and maintained to comply with all state and federal regulations and to encourage long-term stability in the District workforce by providing a secure and supportive workplace environment, a clear and equitable framework for conflict resolution, and tangible recognition of excellence and achievement.

  • District safety policies and procedures are formulated and maintained to provide for the workplace safety of district employees and volunteers as well as the safety of the general public in circumstances where District operations might expose the public to hazardous conditions.

Our Service District

Map of Westhaven Community Services District boundaries and major roads in Westhaven.

Our History

The community of Westhaven is in an unincorporated area of northern Humboldt County. The Westhaven Community Services District (CSD) roughly encompasses the coastal area just north of Moonstone Beach and south of the City of Trinidad. The District is approximately 0.60 square miles in size. 

Westhaven CSD was formed on May 17, 1988 by the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors under Community Service District Law, pursuant to California Government Code, Title 6, Division 2. The five member Board of Directors are locally elected by the District residents and supervise the business of the District. Westhaven CSD employs a General Manager who is responsible for administering and implementing policies set by the Board. 

The Westhaven water system, now operated by the CSD, was originally developed by the Westhaven Mutual Water Company (WMWC), which was incorporated in 1968. The WMWC system was operated without filtration, adequate disinfection or treated water storage facilities. The District was formed in response to increasing State Department of Health Services pressure to construct water treatment, distribution and storage facilities that met municipal water quality standards. Once formed, the District assumed ownership and operation of all facilities then owned and operated by WMWC. The Westhaven CSD was formed in hopes of being able to make the needed improvements to the system and has been successful in greatly improving water quality and water service. We hope to continue making improvements to our water system and our water quality and to expand our water supply so that we can provide service to more households within our district boundaries.

Westhaven Community Services District “Trillium faucet” logo.